Excellent comments, all of them. I'm enjoying this.
I wasn't raised to hunt and have wondered if those that were are more immune to the feelings of remorse - that sick feeling. I suppose it's an individual thing.
Pap, you made me laugh with your comment on stray dogs. I APPLAUD you for performing a necessary task, I'd say you are doing the right thing. It would be very tough for me to, but I think I would. In my mind, better than the animals not being properly looked after and suffering from malnutrition, disease, suffering from a broken back on the side of a road, continuing to breed and cycle the suffering, etc.
Ben your comment made me reflect. The sound of a wounded animal makes me cringe. It's those sounds and the unknown that bother me.
PD - I'm curious if you were raised to slaughter farm animals. Do you think that it is a conditioned effect? I wonder if those that come to hunt in their adulthood and not as children feel this way more? Dunno, but a curious thought.
Eddie - So glad you chimed in to balance the equation. I'll never forget my first real hunt with you in Georgia and what went down!
The idea of fish being treated so horribly is an interesting thing. I've been reading that they do not. It does occur to me that fish are really treated terribly. Shoot, I treat fish worse than probably any other living thing as far as using them for bait, shark fishing, etc.
Like I said, part of this topic...in my head, is that I've been thinking about lately is how we individually validate what good hunting (and fishing) ethics are in our own minds.
Thanks guys, keep the comments coming.