If you don't lose your mind when these birds start talking back to you, then you are in the WRONG GAME!
If you have not been utter humiliated and had your butt handed to you on a silver platter by a bird with a brain the size of a half a shelled walnut, then you are NEW TO THE GAME.
If you decide at 1:00 a.m. that there is just no way you are going to fall asleep in your bed comfortable and warm, so you get up, dress for the weather, pack a sammich and an apple, and head for the woods to sleep under a tree near a favored roost site (and consequently run into your hunting buddy), then you are TRULY IN THE GAME!
This morning the crew at the National Guard Camp were practicing small arms fire. Every time the firing line opened up fresh, a flock of gobblers would beller their heads off like their butts were on fire! Made my head throb, my knees weak, and my mouth water.....aw man!