When you fall off a horse you gotta get right back on. After the appropriate number of days off, we've started back on getting Jimmy his own homemade bow.
I managed to find another set of billets over the weekend. Got them cut out and spliced on Sunday, heat-straightened the limbs and then glued on a handle Monday,and cut the handle to shape this morning before work. I'm getting better at the z-splice, this tiem the billets fit together very nicely right off the saw. This bow is shorter than the last one, its 65" tip/tip. The spliced billets have more natural reflex and were straighter to begin with, I just had to straighten one outer limb. The blank has a good 3" of reflex. Almost too much, I was half-tempted to splice in a bit of deflex in the handle but didn't. I warned Jimmy that a lot of reflex means the bow will be tough to get to weight and easy to blow past it. We'll watch out for that best we can.
Jimmy came over tonight (in a mini-blizzard) and started again. He used the ultimate bowyers rasp again and got both limbs down to a real stiff floor tiller stage in about an hour. The bow looks even, the rings are running down the middle on both limbs. I may cut nocks myself and start a bit of tiller stick work to keep things moving along for him. I'd like for us to get the bow reasonably smoothly tillered next session. Then I'll send him home with a rasp to shape the handle and nocks.
We're already talking about his next project too, maybe a short sinewed bow.
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