Finishing up my first Yew bow. Love how springy the wood is but I'm surprised at how soft it feels in general.?

Took more string follow than I expected.
I glued in about 1.5 or so each limb of Reflex when laminating the bamboo.
then With the long string I only drew it a few inches and evened it out.
then drew it and exercised it down another 2 inches adjusting each time the one stiff limb till it was right. That was still super shallow draw. Then I began to work it down to 29" in 2" increments and adjusting that one limb if it looked stiff at deeper draw lengths.
Over all took nearly 5" ? ?
Looks nice and feels smooth to draw. Uncertain of the weight. I was aiming for even bending and high as possible given I'd never worked with the wood before.