Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

3 piece or 5 piece core?

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5 piece is easy enough to keep everything straight it also way easier to get the wood in the first place.I'm onto my third now.
3 piece cores are fine but you must get everything dead right for a successful bend. Make 100% that the wood is as near to perfect as you can get.

I think bending is a must, especially if you want to avoid stringfollow later on.....If the limb is straight (no matter how you bend or glue the limbs at the grip) soon or later the bow develops a certain degree of stringfollow. If you give the limbs some bending (or reflex if you like) before glue up the horn, no stringfollow...
This is what I am talking about:

I agree to a point but think whats happening to that glueline on a reflexed bending section. Much better to keep the reflex in the non-bending sections.

If the glueline is in the neutral zone - nothing. It will hold. Just think of the korean bows, they are a big bend :)

Yes that's what I said. Korean bows have a large radius bend in the bending section, plenty of grip reflex and again in the kasans also pretty reasonable tip reflex. My last hornbow has a fair amount of reflex in the bending section BUT there comes a point when the forces will be too high. Putting excessive reflex in the bending section will cause delamination.
The neutral plane has no compression or tension but it definitely doesn't feel 'nothing', there are strong forces of shear working on the glueline.


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