And on the floor I have a 2 inch pulley mounted on a 1/2 inch shaft, I can slide the bottom pulley left or right and lock it down so the center of it aligns with either one of those black lines and I have another 1/2 inch shaft mounted close to the floor but on the wall that the tag end of the pull rope is tied onto, so I can slide it left or right to align with the pulleys. That way either way I tiller, my pull rope is pulling straight down. If you look at the pulley on the floor, you will see a block of wood behind it laying flat on the floor, that is to keep the pull rope from coming out of the pulley when the rope went slack. It is about 1/16th inch off the lip of the pulley. I used to get so damn mad when the rope came off the pulley, LMAO.

Also on each of those black vertical lines I have my draw length marked out in one inch increments. I have holes drilled into the wood at every inch line. I stick a 4 inch bolt into those holes and clear through the wall and pull the bow string down and hook it under the bolt. Then I run my tillering gizmo on each limb to mark my high spots, take the bow off the tree and scrape the high spots and back on the tree it goes and I pull it 30 times every time I remove wood. This is how I achieve the really nice tiller on my bows. So now I gave you all my secrets Mitch. LOL