I've been doign some testing to find how best to season shoots to keep checking at a minimum. Curious if anyone else has found similar results.
I had a large bunch of ocean spray shoots. Took three random samples from my bunch and tried three different methods - 1) bark on, 2) bark off and 3) bark off but leaving a 2" section of bark on at the ends. All were bundled and tied to a separate broom stick.
This was by no means a very scientifically laid out test
Bark off
Bad checking - so bad, that I now have only one from my sample left, the rest had to be culled out.
Bark On
Showing some checking at the ends - not sure how bad but will know more once I scrape the bark off
Bark off, leaving 2" of ends still covered with bark
Amazingly, there is less checking than with bark on
I found this to be interesting - though more testing is probably necessary to really be sure its the case. But it SEEMS that scraping all but the last 2" of bark from the shoot helps reduce checking. Have any of you found similar with this wood, or any others?