Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

Inuit Bone and sinew cable bows..A great watch.

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I've watched a few of these videos and it seems dry firing is not a big deal. with all the time and effort put into these I imagine it's never been a big deal to these people in the style of bow. I wonder what the draw weight on these bows are?

My french is a little rusty but the video speaks about 2  types of construction if I'm not wrong
One is made of "bois de caribou" (caribou wood? probably caribou antlers) and the other is "bois et os" (wood and bones)
Anyway their craftsmanship is amazing. They survived with so few things and so much knowledge!

The thing that stands out from this video is that we all think we need a huge workshop and stacks of tools to make a bow...

It was a bit funny in the second video where he dumps his tools out of the case and some  little crucial part clearly goes missing.
 The universal frustration shows the same whether in a cluttered heated shop or on a pile of rocks in the arctic.

Or, his kids making fun of him because he can't shoot worth a crap. :)


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