when I have a bow with reflex, that is fussy,,, I do not brace it low to allowing for the string stretch etc,,and so it does not flip on itself,, if it looks like it is going to pull to a low brace(when it will flip and try to cut off your finger),, I stop and twist the string up and try again,, if it is a stubborn heavy bow,, I will tie on leather nocks below the string nocks,, and use a long string to bend the bow to put the string on,, you can adjust the limb twist as you tiller,,, making mostly self bows limb twist or alignment issues are just normal,, and once the bow is strung,, can be evaluated and resolved if need be,, i think exercising the limbs is good right now,, you have to move the tips quite a bit to string it,, and getting the wood used to bending is a good idea before stringing it the first time,,