This is a bow that I made on a camping trip last summer. It was a fun project, but I think the wood was too wet. It took bad set, and all the bark eventually started to crack off,
so I threw it in the corner till last week. Its a weird thing when random inspiration hits I guess. I scraped off all the loose bark, and thought I'd try to heat treat it.
A couple big cracks in the belly showed up, I filled them with super glue and pressed on.
Im growing more and more impressed with this wood, being bone dry is key with it i think. Will never break, and quite snappy.
If I were to make a stone age bow, it would probably look pretty similar to this. A thumb sized stave, not alot of wood needs to be removed.
2 ply sinew string, I know the tiller isn't spot on, but I like it just fine. 49" ntn, 49# at 25"