Pignut Hickory
55# @ 28"
69" ntn
This is a stretched out Sudbury "sort of". Sorry for the bad pictures, we're to get 8-10" of snow tonight, might get some better pictures tomorrow. The cross section at the center of the bow is 3/4" square and fades in both width and thickness towards the mid limb which is 1 5/8" wide at the widest, then tapers to 1/4" tips. After about 120 shots it still has 1" of reflex, started with about 2 1/4" before tillering. Back is trapped and belly lightly toasted. Really enjoyed working with the fades. Looks like at full draw, I got the fades bending almost to the handle. It does have a little of hand shock. Shooting 600+ gr arrows helps some. I think the hand shock may be from the front profile, moving the widest part of the limb towards the tips, and thin no weight in the handle. I would appreciate any comments on why there's more hand shock with this design than others. Could it be my tiller?
Thanks for looking,
Till next time,