I'm actually talking to the guy about getting a full draw from him; I know I'm a stinker for not getting it

Blackhawk, I've been under the impression that giving the handle some deflex like this helps with just that, but it seems funny to me that it would be an issue in the fades
if they're bending proportionally where a pyramid bow bending proportionally wouldn't be at exceptional risk of the same failure for the whole length of its limbs.
30" draw on a 60" bow with what appears to have appox 10"+ levers. I really would of like to of seen 30 "out of 40" of self bow.
That'd need some real hooks, but the best overdraw I've done is 25" out of a 46" bow and though it's still shooting fast and furious I wonder how long it'll last.
I may have to copy that hemp wrap on the bottom.
That's the arrow pass, my current go-to for ambidextrous and bendy bows.