Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Dimensions for Flight Archery Field

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Buckeye Guy:
Well the two grass areas I had in mind are bit short at just a little over 330 -340 yds then a fence that could interfere so next I will start approaching a farmer or two about wheat fields
How are the regs coming?

   I hit a bit of a stand still but should be back on them next week. I think we are pretty well set it is just my web sight building skills are not so good. The Reg flite rules and classes are prety well set but on the traditional classes I am debating withmyself over a few things. The only was I can see to accurately weigh and shoot a bow is to use a broadhead that will stop on the back of the bow or measure to where it falls off the shelf. Very few people will be pulling it that far back for safety reasons so I kind of hate to see them penalized by measuring that far back. I am thinking to the middle of the shelf might be the best compromise and those guys who pull it evey last fraction will just have a slight advanatge which they would have anyway if all bows are measured to the rear of the shelf but most are shooting well in front of that. It has to be non ambiguous and clear whatever we do.


Buckeye Guy:
What ever you decide will be fine as I have confidence in you to do what makes sense
As for web sites  have fun I am no help at all!! but could find you some if need be.
In fact Chris Gault is a web site builder and as far as I know he still checks in on the bow forum from time to time
Thanks again for all you are doing !!

  I should check with Chris for advice on this

Buckeye Guy:
I just mesaged  Chris on facebook hopefully he will have time to get back with you or me
Trusting this will all work out for you soon!


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