Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Flight arrow design & tradeoffs

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  Thats really good! When are you going to test them out?

Lukasz Nawalny:
in next week. I dont have very big expectations, I be happy with shoot over 300 m. It is not quite flightbow - little to long and I have very safe , heavy string. I dont push this bow to the limit, a lot of work with hornbow and Im little affraid .

Buckeye Guy:
Hope it does better than you think !!

Newby Arvin ! I was burnishing some different flight arrows this weekend. A dim light came on in my little head. I was wondering if compression in the shaft would change the spine  or weight or length . I clamped two boards on my bench and established a length. I checked the spine and weighed the arrow.  I then commenced to compressing the shaft with a shaft tamer and straighten  as I went. Well I noticed no change in the length. The spine did not change . The weight came down 3 grains. Must have squeezed the $&&@ out of it. Ya I know I'm bored. You guys ever got any different results.  Arvin

  I have tried heat treating arrows from different woods, some it makes almost no difference and some it makes a very measurable difference.


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