Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Flight arrow design & tradeoffs

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      I beieve the existing flight organization is primarily focused on modern flight, possibly as it should be. The regular flight bows you guys make and shoot are the true spirit of flight shooting. Our forefathers would love to see it pushed to its limits. My personnal favorite era is the 1930's and 1940's, I am not thinking so much primitive as much as I am natural material bows. I figure a group consience here will end up dictating the rules and we will do our best individually to get our own influence into it. Have you noticed how much I argue my points? LOL.

I disagree that the existing organization is primarily focused on modern flight. The current organization purpose is only on supporting Flight Archery first and foremost. Primitive is a critical component of this. The purpose of USA Archery/World Archery Flight is to provide support and structure to accommodate a variety of styles within Flight Archery. But I should move this to another topic. Sorry, I got derailed. Where were we?


        Alan, I believe the topic does belong here. This is one of the reasons I have been so pleased that you are now on the flight committee. I expect Dan will weigh in here soon and give us some of his feelings on the subject. Protecting the viability of current records is important and I highly respect it while at the same time recognize a need for a few changes. The longer we go ( it has allready been a considerable amount of time) the harder it will become. Input from current record holders in the present organization should obviously be respected. My feelings might raise some eyebrows but in good consience I can't really feel any other way. I don't feel the current records have reached a level that is even close to what we should be shooting. Most likely a lack of competition has contributed to this. I know that on any given day with a good arrow, good conditions and a decent bow I have a good chance of breaking records. Dan Perry's elb record is probably the only one that I am really impressed with but I don't feel that should even be a class in regular flight shooting because we are forced to modify how an elb should be built to perform like a flight bow.

       I don't think as a group we have been hard enough on ourselves to make tough choices about things. We all like each other too much. In the long run what are the best options for the sport? In all honesty I really enjoy how it is now, it is the highlight of my year. I think only relatively small changes could improve things.

Dan Perry:
I am conflicted over the 14 inch arrow idea, but only as it relates to traditional bow designs. For a primitive freestyle class, it think it is OK. Some of the committee members didn't want to duplicate current modern classes with natural materials.

Dan Perry:
For 24 inch arrows out of 50# bows, my best arrows seemed to be between 160 and 180 grains.


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