Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Flight arrow design & tradeoffs

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I believe the arrow weights in grains are pretty reasonable. 190-200 grains is a typical weight for Turkish flight arrows shot from heavy flight bows.

I was just pointing out that the arrow deflections were misleading. It initially gave me the impression that the minimum 0.25" diameter arrow had only a 0.33" deflection, but in reality, it just says the smallest diameter of all the arrows measured was 0.25", and the smallest deflection of all the arrows in the group was 0.33".  I think the average values are the most meaningful.

I would shoot a 76 grain arrow from a 50# primitive flight bow if I could get clean arrow flight and it was safe. The barrier to doing this is that we currently have a 23" minimum arrow length rule for all our primitive divisions under our USA Archery rules. I think one rule change I would advocate for is to allow shorter arrows at our events.  But making a change at this point can be seen as unfair to the prior record holders who competed under the 23" minimum arrow rule.


  Allen, thats a very important point, one of the reasons I am pushing for a 21" minimum in the new organization. I would also like to see longer overdraws allowed on all the regular fligth bows but I am open to anything.

My proposal for the World Archery adaptation would be to further reduce restrictions on the bow designs used. I would propose adopting the same 14" minimum arrow length rule used for the modern bows eliminate handle depth and overdraw restrictions. Finally, I would be tempted to have the Turkish shot under the Complex-Composite.

These are just my personal opinions. Any changes would require agreement of the entire Flight committee.


  I would go for that also, I was afraid pushing shorter than 21 might raise eyebrows.

I'm sure 14" arrows may be pushing it, but if the change is made, I figure we might as well go all the way.  Also, such a change wouldn't be made haphazardly. We do need to consider fairness to the current record holders. This is where I'd love to have Dan Perry's feedback.

My philosophy is, the job of a flight archer is seeing how far they can fling an arrow. In the case of primitive, I feel the only restrictions should be placed on the materials used for the archery tackle.  The form of the equipment will evolve to suit this function.



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