There may be an error in the spine deflections reported in the following report:
http://margo.student.utwente.nl/sagi/artikel/turkish/Notice how the arrow deflections are listed from higher to lower, but arrow diameter is listed lower to higher. The trend is perfectly opposite what it should be. I think the author may have typed in the deflection data backward. I'd expect the .25" diameter arrow to deflect 0.88", and the 0.30" diameter arrow to deflect .33", not the other way around.
The 0.58" average deflection of the 18 arrows, with an average diameter of 0.27" is more plausible, but still outstanding.
Arrow stiffness is proportional to the diameter raised to the fourth power, so a very small diameter difference makes a very large stiffness difference.
I believe I can match the average deflection of the Turkish flight arrows using a high grade of heat treated Sitka Spruce. I plan to make a serious effort at it later this year.
Another observation, these Turkish flight arrows averaged just over 190 grains, but they were shot out of very heavy bows. If we assume one of the lighter Turkish Flight bows pulled 125 lb, then that would be the equivalent of shooting only 76.4 grain arrows out of a 50-lb bow!