"Hand shock? Hasn't happened to me yet, but I've pretty comfortable making some tiny tips. I'm a big believer in keeping my bows short for the crazy cast I get, and these skinny numbers are just a smack in the face of the myth that locust MUST be wide

It would have been easier if I'd told the guy I had to make it wide, and it probably would have taken half the set, but look at it! It works!

Meh, It's too short to worry about handshock. You might have gotten a little more bend out of it further along the limb (but, I understand why you didn't.

Looks really nice. And if you go much wider, then you have to start working in a narrowed handle, and it messes the whole thing up.
I do NOT undertand the appeal of those flat, square handles, though. (One of my shortcomings, "sigh".) I would have to build up back and front with leather, but still let it bend. One of the main reasons I don't get around to making many bendy handles.
Locust gets underestimated a lot. I have recurved it, bamboo backed it, all kinds of stuff. The problem is only that you think it is going to be amazing, and it turns out to be merely exceptional.