Author Topic: Writing on bows?  (Read 10202 times)

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Offline kcbrown

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Re: Writing on bows?
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2008, 01:29:50 pm »
Sharpie does pretty good, I shoot some with a catalyzed varnish and I shoot a coupl of coats, 220 sand the area and write on it. I can then usually dust some over it in a few coats before going on with a wet coat. I have also mixed some 5 minute epoxy and smeared over the writing. Pilot makes some ultra fine paint type markers that work pretty good too.

Offline uwe

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Re: Writing on bows?
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2008, 02:16:41 pm »
Hey, uwe

Tru Oil is a gun stock finish, made by Birchwood Casey. It's a semi gloss, and gives a very deep, nice finish. You have to apply multiple coats, and drying time is long. It's worth the effort... it looks fantastic.

Thanks for clearing up!
I think, after I`ve read the other answers, that when its linseed oil based, its more for for weapons, which don`t bend as bows.
When I got it right, we call it in Germany "Firnisöl". This hardens the cellstructure and thats bad for a bow- it cracks some day. So its better to restore old furniture with it.