Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Flight erra of the 1930's and 40's

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   This is my favorite era and an era I would like to learn more about the rules in. I feel like our group would be doing good if we just became a continuation of this. I might change my mind if I knew the rules of course.

Fred Arnold:
I might even try to build one  but expect nothing short of mediocre. As a side note I just received these in the mail today. I have no clue to what these are made from but they are very light in weight and seem to be fairly heavy spine. I'll weigh and check in again tomorrow. These are hex shaped shafts at present.

Pretty sure the rules were shoot an arrow as far as you can. They had weight classes but I'd be surprised if it went beyond that.

Yes, I would like to know the weights and diameters(tapered?) of these shafts. Did you know when these arrows were made?

PatM: "one size fits all class" ? Would make a lot of things easier?

Del the cat:

--- Quote from: redhawk55 on February 10, 2015, 03:43:57 am ---
PatM: "one size fits all class" ? Would make a lot of things easier?

--- End quote ---
That reminds me.. a while back there was a Soccer player over here, surname Fitzhall.
His nickname was "One size"  ;D


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