Sooo there is no bow of the month contest no more correct?
Here is the PM I sent you and all the other people that entered the BOM contest by messaging me the link to their bow.
Psalm 127:4
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Re: Self bow entry
« Sent to: Beadman on: June 23, 2017, 11:26:57 pm » ReplyQuoteDelete
Thank you for your submission to the bow of the month contest. I do not know when the contest will be posted. When I hear something definitive I will let you know. In the meantime if you have any questions regarding the Bow of the month contest please contact Marie Luther (Calendargirl), Monroe Luther or Ed Ingold with the Primitive Archer Magazine.
Thank you again,
Cipriano Rivera"
I can only communicate to you what I do know and my PM to you and all the other contestants does not state that "there is no more BOM of the month contest."
I hope that clears up any confusion regarding the BOM contest. As aforementioned, if you have any questions regarding the BOM contest please direct them to the folks indicated.
Thank you,