This is a sorry deal, seems to me like it has become the norm here in our country, murders, rapists, drunks, thieves getting off for one excuse or another. My family has been dealing with a member that has turned into a drunk, thief, liar and drug addict and on top of that has drug their own child into the mess, it scares me that this also has become normal. modern Americans in general are a bunch of lazy, irresponsible, useless slobs, no one is willing to take responsibility for their own actions nor be held to a greater standard than our own. Brothers we must pray for our country and do everything we can for her, it needs to be a safe place for our and grandchildren.
Read the book of revelation in the bible and Google agenda 21 and just try to tell me your not scared for what our country may become.
Cippy your doing good work my friend you and your family are in my prayers.
Anyways enough of my rant. Mods if you need to please edit or delete this if I have overstepped my bounds here.
God bless America