Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Del Tries for a Hazel Flight Bow

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Marc St Louis:
Nice Del.  I don't see where you made mention of the length but it does look pretty short.  It's hard to retain some reflex on short bows.  You need a high quality piece of wood that heat-treats well.  You need 2 to 3 inches of reflex to give those light arrows a good push at the end of the stroke.  If you can replicate that design using some good Elm you might see a big improvement in speed

  Mark, not sure if you shoot for distance or not but I am curious what weight arrows you have best luck with. If Dels arrow was going around 190 fps he had enough speed to travel about 260 yards or even slightly more. I believe his arrow pooped out on him because it was too light.

     None of the fast flight bows I build for very light arrows ever do that well, my best distance bows are always much slower bows that seem to give me better arrow flight. I am going to try moving up to about 250 grains next year and see if it helps.

Del the cat:
@ Marc. Cheers, yeah, I didn't expect too much from hazel, just curious to see what it would do and try out that sort of shape.
@ Badger... I didn't get a very clean loose and was maybe a bit high with the shot, I was expecting it to go a bit further tho  :(
Still it's all a learning experience, and I was pleased with the range finder.

That's what I love about this forum. I can talk to guys who really know their stuff.
A bit embarrassing really, I wasn't measuring to the drop off of the shelf so the draw length and weight weren't what I was after.
I've taken a load off the belly, and now got it to a genuine 28" draw at about 32#.
Now I'll try and get some of the heat treating and reflex back into that sucker.
At least I have a line in the sand to compare results :)
That's what I like about this stuff, the more you know, the more you realise you don't know  :laugh:
Thanks for the feed back guys. When I've finished it, I'll shoot an arrow across the pond to you... ok maybe that's a tad optimistic :laugh:

Buckeye Guy:
Just let us know when its coming so I can catch it and send it back!!
Nice bow Del

Del, can we get a few details? Bow length, handle/limb lengths, gluing area, glue type?


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