Huisme was on again last night, still no word. I have a sneaking suspicion that someone(s) may be avoiding me. I was unavailable last night to call him, but I will try again tonight. So far I have unanswered messages from Mo_Coon-catcher, Huisme, and Steelslinger. At least give me the common decency to say **** you.

As the last ones to receive a bow are not on my list, I don't know what the full story is. Mo_coon-catcher and Patrick deserve to at least know they are going to get a bow sent eventually. As my end of the trade with Blaflair2 is still technically open, I am not as worried about me.
Huisme, Please respond to the messages that have been sent to you. There is NO excuse to not at least message me and let me know what the issue is.
Steelslinger, Have you heard from any of your list? Or is your list complete?