Author Topic: USPS strikes again!  (Read 8896 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: USPS strikes again!
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2015, 03:36:33 pm »

     I had a similar problem.  Some Friends came up to visit me in Montana, and wanted some real estate mags.  So I packed up five or six, and put them in a big envelope, and taped the flap shut, and sent it.  Well it arrived, but it was just part of one magazine, and the envelope was ripped to shreds, and just crammed in his mail box.  Not even a plastic bag to hold what was left in the remnants of the envelope.  No note or anything.  Just, "well the address is intact, so here ya go".  I worked part time a long time ago in the post office, in West Palm Beach, and they were not real concerned about the fragile sticker on boxes,  the box just got tossed into the canvas bin, with all the other boxes.  They all received the same non caring treatment.  Seems that "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective" is working at the USPS now.  It is aggravating to receive something like that without the slightest apology, or even an attempt at explaining what possibly could have happened.  So much for pride in the workplace.  But it is after all, a Government job, and I guess that it was good for Government work.