Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Poll, bow strings

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   I can very much understand the purpose in keeping the regular flight shooting classes pure. But the traditional wood bow classes would not be flight shooting. It is more for the worlds bowyers to test out their bows as they will be shot. The class is tailored to everyday bowmakers. No need to put on any string restrictions, it defeats the purpose. The arrows will not be flight arrows, they will be the same arrows the bows are designed to shoot and the string material is part of that same package. This is not flight shooting in the full sense. These are classes of bows just going head to head. I would also provide a valuable service to bowmakers in the data it colects. No need for restrictions I say.

  My vote is yes on man made strings.

Marc St Louis:
I've always found it unfair that Warbows are allowed the use of FF string when they shoot competition whereas everyone else has to use natural fiber.  If, as some here say, high quality linen is readily available then they should be able to source some, after all this is what they used to use on Warbows


--- Quote from: Marc St Louis on February 04, 2015, 10:01:23 am ---I've always found it unfair that Warbows are allowed the use of FF string when they shoot competition whereas everyone else has to use natural fiber.  If, as some here say, high quality linen is readily available then they should be able to source some, after all this is what they used to use on Warbows

--- End quote ---

This brings up the man made materials in building as well. Are the classes that are made to use natural fiber strings also limited in what type of glues they use? If you can't use "Modern" strings, how is it then ok to use modern glues? To me it becomes a safety issue. Would you trust horn knocks as much if they were glued on with hide glue? This is just my 2 cents. I have no dog in the fight. Just my view from the outside. I say if it is going to be a "Pure" class, make it pure, not just kinda pure.

My vote is yes on man made strings as well.

I think man made would be nice. If only natural strings are allowed id loose all interest. I dont make them and synthetic works better. Just go with a measured string weight for the rules.


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