Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Poll, bow strings

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  It appears that bow strings will be an issue of contention while establishing rules in our flight division. We need feed back from the bowyers here on PA even if you are not presently involved in flight shooting.

   Regular flight shooting which is the more pure form where maximum distance is our only objective will most likely go with natural strings. I would support this as well. So the poll I am taking will only be in reference to the tradtional classes of flight shooting which is a less restrictive entry point more tailored to give bowyers a chance to showcase there wares.

   Please state your preference in strings and if you like give a reason. I favor allowing synthetic in traditional classes only. It is possible that maybe the tribal bow class may want to stick to natural strings but we can vote on this. So the poll is " natural only" or allow " man made string material"

Marc St Louis:
How about setting up a poll with 3 options Steve?.  Natural only, synthetic and blend

A blend seems too finicky to decide on allowable ratios.

   Pat, when I do testing I often use my blends just for safety and convenience. I use weight. Any experienced official could look at a string and see if it were too skinny. About 125 grains for a 62" bow is usually what my blends way. String weight has more effect than the material used. What if we just said 100 grains minimum weight for a string. This would take skinny strings out. You really wouldn't have to weigh a string unless it looked suspiciously skinny. Breaking and making strings can really slow down a shoot and have a negative affect on an otherwise great weekend. No added benefit to using fast flight as long as the weight is there except convenience. I spend half my day at flight shoots just making strings. They often last one or two shots.

Our equipment is only as good as the weakest link. It isn't the fault of the string that the bow is too strong!  ;)

I don't see flight shooting as being a benchmarking competition for bows.  A very good string and arrow maker can sometimes beat a very good bow maker. A great flight archer with superior tuning can beat a poor archer with superior equipment.  There are many dimensions to the game of flight archery that must work together, and this is what keeps the sport interesting. When I research some of the longest flight shots of the pre-synthetic materials age, one of the first things I learned to appreciate is the construction of the strings.  Allowing synthetic strings takes the importance of the string out of the game. I see it as similar to allowing synthetic arrows, or replacing the archer with a shooting machine, or backing wood with glass.

When I got started on bow making, the only thing I concentrated on was making a fast bow, but I never did very well.  So I decided to let bow design take a back seat for a few years while exploring arrow design, string making, tuning, and improving as an archer. It is only recently that I find the need to get back to work on making the bows faster.

Realistically, a natural string only rule would probably be seen as a major barrier to most primitive archers.  So I think it is reasonable not to require it at all unsanctioned events.  But I would encourage the practice of highlighting results of those that did shoot natural strings. Eventually, maybe it will help generate more interest in this area and we will start to see more spinners at our flight shoots!



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