I have done it twice. I went with a basic pyramid shape, about 2" wide, from bamboo planks 2.5" wide. Just added recurves. Even though the back and belly were both crowned, got the bamboo (it was just moso) as flat as possible (when you cook the belly lams they flatten some if you let them. Thin the bamboo, and remove inner nodes, and when you flame the outside it flattens slightly). Glued up they were just about 3/8" thick.
I pre-bent the tips by boiling (if you bend something crowned on one side weird things happen to the glue line, so bend, then flatten, then glue)). I put wedges between the bamboo in the recurves, and a powerlam-style handle build up (mulberry, I believe) between bamboo back and belly.
Both were 64" about, with kinda long but mild curvature recurves, and hunting weights, mid-40's. I tried to match the nodes up so that belly nodes were between back nodes (thinking this would make thickness more consistent), but ended up flattening the belly nodes during tiller, because I was having trouble seeing the curves. Both shot pretty well, took little set. The pyramid shape required only a little side tillering, but the tips kept getting narrower, so I let it be with a tad too much bend near the handles.