Author Topic: Main objectives for flight shooting Organization  (Read 1167 times)

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Offline Badger

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Main objectives for flight shooting Organization
« on: January 28, 2015, 03:05:26 pm »
   I thought I would write a little piece just to explain my perspective on the new flight shooting federation we are starting. We may all have slightly different objectives and this may affect how we feel about drafting the rules and policies for the new orgaization. The way I see it is that all of our objectives are of equal importance and consideration so I will remain open to others views and willing to compromise where needed. I also expect others to argue thier case as I will argue mine. This will force us to come up with the best compromises I feel.

   My first objective is to promote the sport of flight archery in general. It is a little known and even less practiced sport that I feel is worthy of more exposure and has great potential to be appreciated and practiced by more people if given the opportunity. New blood is the only thing that will keep it alive and thriving. I feel my biggest challenge is giving the average bowyer a clear easy way to start experiencing the sport.

   If you took flight shooting to its most extreme level it would get down to the strongest archer with the best tecnique shooting the best arrow made by the best arrow maker out of the strongest fastest bow ever built. this would obviously eliminate allmost all of us and the sport would soon die for lack of interest. For this reason we developed classes for bow types and draw strengths to include a lot more people.

    I see the new federation as simply an extension of this neccessary policy of drafting classes to attract more particapants. Many of us have bow types we tend to favor that very well may not be ideal for flight shooting very light arrows. I believe shooting these bows as they were meant to be shot using arrow weights and draw lengths that accurately reflect the job the bow was intended to do gives bowyers reasonable benchmarks to work toward and would encourage particapation in available events.

     Making events more available depends upon our ability to train officials that could run an event at thier local archery club or sponsor it on their own. If we are all playing by the same rules it becomes more interesting and gives us one more demension to this great sport that we can enjoy. Clear, concise easy to follow rules and policies can be learned on line. This would allow virtually any group anywhere in the world to start thier own flight club and be a part of the main body.

    I feel very strongly about incorporating traditional flight classes, meaning shot as intended into our flight program and feel they will play an important roll in rejuvenating flight archery. We will also have of course our regular flight program for the more serious flight shooters.

  Please state what you would like to see or are interested in.

Offline Badger

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Re: Main objectives for flight shooting Organization
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2015, 03:45:06 pm »
  Wrong forum, please delete, sorry!