Your like the reporter who asks the tough questions. Barbara Walters comes to mind!
Less hair on the head, more on the face. He's a cute bugger.

This is how I take his post: Why are all the teachers sitting this one out? Is there a doubt from them that we as bowyers can make a bow worthy of being in their collection? Is it because of me that they aren't joining the trade?
I feel the same way. As an eager learning bowyer I like the idea of making something that someone will hold dear. I really wouldn't care if I got a red oak board bow from someone, I enjoy when people take the time to make something for me. In the end, people have their own reasons for joining or not. I want to be a part of this to make something better than I have before. To give someone a bow that is the best bow I have made.
In short we are needy and need someone to say good work.