Round the edges of the nocks more, there should be no sharp angle whatsoever and you want to spread pressure over them as evenly as possible; lesser woods work fine at those weights, it's a shape thing 
thanks do you think black walnut will work? i have plenty of it laying around

Sweet tiller on that bow 
Nice one.
thanks Del that means a lot coming from you

your blog has been invaluable to me.
Nice bend on a 62" maple at that weight also...
How far you pulling her? How wide are your limbs?
don here shes probable around 27-28 but i know that I've pulled her back to 30 before. at the widest point limbs are just under 1 1/2
Nicce bow!
Only the heat treating could be more consistent next time 
yeah i'm not very happy with how it came out but i didn't want to go farther and risk ruining it

ok guys i tried the bathroom scale trick and was getting 87-90.3 lb the block of wood i had it sitting on it read as 9 lb, so that puts me around 77-80 right

assuming of course that my scale is fairly accurate

EDIT: i just tested my scale with two bows of a know weight and it looks to be reading about 5 lb heavy, that would make it 72-75 then i think