Del the cat and others, thank you. I always take praise, criticism and advice with a smile.
Del thanks for the advice on your preferred way of shaping string groves (I already know it), but it also depends of what you are after. If you look at the ELBs made in the eighteenth and nineteenth century when many laminated ELBs were made, most of them had string groves very similar to what I showed on the bow I posted and not like you prefer. So it depends on how true you want to be to the origonals. I can mention a few of them old time bowyers. Waring(elder) of London, Wrigley of Manchester, Waring(younger), Edward Madle of London, James Buchanan of London and since this is an American forum I will mention E.I Horsman of NewYork and Conroy, Bisset and Malleson of New York. Besides in my 28 years of making various kinds of bows and arrows I never had a string break for this reason so I do not thing that is so critical as long as there is no sharp edges. All the best. Markus.