I made bows for guys that would shoot 1000 arrows a week,,, so any flaw in design became apparent quickly, great testing ground,, "overbuilt bows" were the only ones that would stand up,, a bow that had no set from a few hundred shots,, would start to shift after a few weeks if everything was not perfect,,,
I am not a thin bow or wide bow advocate,, but there are proven advantages to both,, no right or wrong here depending on design,, but most the time a wider limb bow will draw further without taking set or breaking,, that is why on some woods it is,, the only design that will lead to consistent success,,
example, take one of the narrow bows that is at its max draw,, now draw it 3 more inches for a 100 shots and shoot it through the chronograph,, now take a same wood bow that is about 2 inches wide but same draw weight and length and do the same,,,the chronograph will make it very clear what the advantages of the wider limb can be,,