Hi Guys.
Does arrow grain orientation effect arrow flight?
I`m using dowls as shaft and the only thing I can get is beech.
It`s imposible to find straight grain dowls so I`m just using what
I find, with some good results.
So, does grain orientation importent for arrow flight or it`s just so the arrows be more durable?
One more question- I`ve been trying to make a dowel maker (to make my own shafts) with no success and I want to try
again. Does anyone know a good build-along for an easy to make dowel maker?
ok... thats the last one- When I`ll make the dowel maker, Does red ceder a good arrow wood? (NOT POC, but the stuff they have in deck stores... very light
wood, red-ish color...). I can get pine with good grain but if that ceder is better, I`ll get it...
Thanks in advance...