A big thank you to all the Twin Oaks club members for a great weekend at your place, you guys made everything perfect at the classic including the weather. Thanks also to the thur. night boil crew and those that organize the sat. night potluck, the food and fellowship was priceless. Also gotta thank Will & Pappy for staking out our campsite, after 3 years of coming down it feels like our home on the hill in early May.

Had a ton of fun this year visiting with the friends we've made over the past couple years and made a bunch of new friends as well this year. Seems you can't help but meet a lot of good people at this place, sure does make good memories and make you want to get back each year. Had good laughs and music around our campfire each night, good visits with friends old and new around the pavilion and fun shooting the ranges.
Didn't take enough pictures but here's most of what I did take. Thanks again Twin Oaks.