Seabass checking the tiller on his fishing pole. The bottom limb looks a little stiff

Cody and Jon heat treating a bow

Deer cooked over a friction fire at the spirit station

Carson and myself had a good trade

PatB doing some leather work

Officer Seabass keeping the peace

Our camp set up.

The bow shop late in the evening. Starting Wednesday afternoon every vise was being used during the day.

Breakfast every morning. Scott and Dave can cook a mean meal.

Dave (Hedgeapple) working on a HHB bow

Derik (Bowtarist) holding up a knife blade that Scott made for me.

Derik hitching a ride down the hill

Me testing out my new bow

Tower and Scott (Stringman) doing some knapping

The bow shop during the day

This was the best 3D course I have ever seen. The extra targets setting the scene was very cool.

Scott (Stringman) made a good trade for a huge elk rack.