Author Topic: tradgedy is about to strike!  (Read 11102 times)

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Offline JEB

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tradgedy is about to strike!
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:32:18 pm »
I heard that the archery club that I have belonged to for 55 years (one of 38 life members) is entertaining the thought of allowing the crossbow into the club.  I went to the meeting and voiced my opinion on the matter and asked the board if the vote they are going to take next month does NOT support the crossbow and the majority does not want the crossbow would they honor the result of the vote. The president continually responded by saying, "we will do what is best for the club"  I asked for a yes or no answer and he wouldn't give me one.

What a shame.

I don't go out there much anymore, lots of politics going on and I am getting too old for it but the traditional guys told me that they had to threaten legal action when they wanted one night out of seven for a trad only league.

If I am out of line with this post I imagine it will get removed but I was wondering if this has happened at any of the archey clubs that you folks belong to and what steps you took to fight the take over?
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 01:00:23 pm by JEB »

Offline Tyke

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2015, 02:08:54 pm »
Maybe you should ask when they will start to allow rifles also or maybe even cannons after all they all shoot projectiles.some people just dont understand our love for tradional archery
why buy it when you can build it

Offline JEB

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2015, 02:32:04 pm »
Some of the older archers know the archery history in my family but they have all but given up also.  The supporters of the xbow don't understand the civil/legal ramifications of xbow if someone gets hurt.  Especially if they ignore the majority vote against allowing them. 

Its just real discouraging for sure.

Offline Pat B

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2015, 03:23:21 pm »
Jon, unfortunately today folks are more interested in results than tradition, scoring the highest score no matter what instead of challenging themselves and using their own abilities to improve their shooting. It's a shame that they can't do things themselves instead of having to use technology to assist them. I'm not against technology but I am against bullies; and that is what these folks are. Forcing their beliefs on everyone else.
 I remember when trad became popular again after folks got tired of the compound craze. Now trad is getting to where compounds used to be. I would venture to say that many trad shooters have no idea of the history of archery. When they show off their bows, all they want you to see is the fine wood combos in the risers and the fancy tip overlays they use. I've asked on other sites to see the bow braced, unbraced and at full draw to see the actual workings of the bow and have been completely ignored.
 I've come to the conclusion that I will enjoy archery the way it was intended and to hell with the other guys. I'm sorry that they had to screw up your "tradition". I guess that's progress.  ???
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline n8tr boy

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2015, 03:46:04 pm »
I haven't said much on this forum as I thoroughly enjoy the information on all pages and any questions I have are answered. A little history of myself, I started shooting xbow and did a number of 3-D tourneys and was quite good. I then bought a compound and again did 3-D and did well. Now shoot recurve/ trad and do 3-D and again do well in IBO and here in Ontario. I Love the simple bow and arrow part of traditional archery and how there is little mechanical issues involved. I do like the xbow and wheelie bow but first Love is trad. I plan on making my own bow this winter and believe this will be the bow of choice from now on. I like going to the bush/ field and have peace and quiet with the little bit I take in. Bow, arrows and possible bag, no more vests backpack and "everything" you need that the "industry" wants you to buy. I do also Love the slower pace and am trying to slow the pace of life at home to. It is a shame we think we need to go faster whether its in archery, firearms or everyday life. The mighty dollar is usually behind it. Hope things turn for the better

Offline Tyke

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2015, 04:06:31 pm »
Exactly what pat said
why buy it when you can build it

Offline JEB

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2015, 05:11:01 pm »
I guess it comes with your upbringing. My dad started shooting in the 50's and introduce archery to the rest of the family.  I started shooting around 1960 give or take a year.  Every weekend we went to an archery tournament during the spring, summer and fall months.  Archery back then was a way of life for us.

My wife and are very fortunate to have a son, daughter in law and 6 grandkids that shoot traditional.  I don't think in todays world that parents take the time with their kids to teach them the old ways of doing things so that kids can make their own decisions.  In todays world its all high speed living with computers and crossbows I guess.  I guess this meeting kind of hit me wrong.

It is sad as the new age archer doesn't really know what they are missing.  On a side note my son shakes his head when I head to the woods with my osage longbow and stone tipped arrows.  He said he was not quite ready for the "stone age".

Thanks all for letting me vent.

Offline Pat B

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2015, 05:18:38 pm »
I guess if more money was involved in "primitive archery" we'd all have more clout. As it stands now we are just those other guys.
 Oh well, I've been one of them all my life.  8)
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline KHalverson

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2015, 06:27:29 pm »
so sorry to hear that the bowmans club may be taking a turn for the worse.


Offline Pappy

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2015, 07:56:48 am »
Hate to hear that,seems things are changing in a lot of clubs, it was discussed at TwinOaks once several years ago when they first made  X guns legal to hunt with in Tennessee, good thing is, I have veto power and will use it now and then when I see the need. ;) :) :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline Marks

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2015, 10:13:36 am »
I think it takes a different kind of guy to want to do things the hard way. I don't fault people for wanting to take the easy way. I imagine most of us on here have heating and air and drive cars and do a lot of things the easy way. Progress will happen. We tend to look down people who are not like us but primitive archery is a minority. I didn't even know they did archery tournaments for xbows. I would vote against it too but if they bring them in anyway and you still try to stand in the way you may be pushed aside. I don't see the point in taking a vote if they aren't going to honor it.

Offline Buffalogobbler

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2015, 10:20:44 am »
At our archery club, Hawkeye Bowmen we just had to vote on allowing the cross bow/gun on our property. With the current bylaws they are forbidden and some members wanted to change that. Normally we vote on such issues at a general meeting with just the members in attendance but this was such an important issue we decided to send out voting ballots and give all of the members a chance to vote. The motion to allow them on the club grounds and at our public shoots was defeated by only 4 votes,and the bylaw forbidding them stood.Our club is made up of both compound and traditional shooters in almost equal numbers and most members accepted the vote with no hard feelings, there were some traditional members who voted for the crossbow and some compound shooters who voted against it, but there was sour grapes from only one or two members. The real dissapointment was that only slightly more than half of the members in the club cared enough to vote.

Good luck with your club, a vote would be the only fair thing to do. If the leadership of the club doe's not treat the membership fairly, you could always try to vote them out in the next election of officers.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 05:48:51 pm by Buffalogobbler »
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Offline JEB

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2015, 04:25:13 pm »
I have been around this club a long time.  I remember the fights against the compound back in the day and now the crossbow.  I asked the president what will be next, "the draw lock". Don't think he knew what that was.  Sad part is we have 275 members, give or take a few and less than 20 showed up to the meeting.

I think the real reason behind it is that they want a couple of sanctioned shoots at the club to bring in money and the organizations that run the sanction tournaments allow the crossbow.  so no cross bow, no shoots, no income.

I tried to tell them that bigger isn't always better.  Told my wife that I am about through with the club.  I have my own 20 target archery range at our cabin and I shoot in the winter in a church league so I guess that will have to do.

The bad part is we have a beautiful place.  14 target field course, 28 target 2 D course, a PAA course behind the club house and we can shoot 50 yards indoors with the new $250,000.00 addition they just put on.  It is really one of the nicest archery clubs around and it is run by 20 people.

Offline mullet

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2015, 08:26:32 pm »
I really feel for you. You can check out my signature and see how I feel about it.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: tradgedy is about to strike!
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2015, 09:42:18 pm »
Check your bylaws, JEB.  Do NOT just let the current crop of leadership run roughshod over the club!  By knowing the bylaws inside and out, you can create a strategy for dealing with an obstinate President/Board of Directors.  Typically, something like this is handled in Robert's Rules of Order. Many states require bylaws of organizations to use Roberts Rules. 

Is there anything in the club bylaws limiting what motions may be brought to a vote?  Or even when they can be brought to the meetings?  Usually this will be in the portion of the meeting under New Business.  You would basically stand up and say something to the effect that you are moving that the club limit equipment to primitive, traditional, and compound archery, but specifically excluding crossbows.  Once a motion has been brought, it requires a second, opportunity for discussion, and a vote.  Someone on the Board of Directors can then call the vote to be tabled until a later meeting.  But that is only a delaying tactic, once a motion is called and seconded, eventually it MUST be voted on. Our bylaws require a vote within 12 months of any and all tabled motions, they may NOT languish, or be "hoghoused".

Secondly, find out who your insurance carrier is.  Your club must have insurance, and it might NOT cover crossbows, depending on how the policy is written.  A phone call to the insurer will answer that question.  Our insurance at the Black Hills Raptor Center is written quite narrowly on what it will cover and what it will NOT cover.  By writing a very restricted and narrow insurance policy, we cut premiums in half by showing the carrier that we knew what was safe, what was not, and how we could protect ourselves.

Canvas the Board of Directors, what are their opinions on the issue?  The president does not dictate the fact, the president is there only to preside over meetings.  He gets one vote as a member.  President does not mean Dictator!

Sometimes it is in your favor when the general membership fails to show for a meeting.  Allows you to "pack" the vote in your favor!  I did this several times with the presidency of our local muzzleloaders club. Also guaranteed I was not re-elected the following year both times, though! But hey, cost of progress!
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.