Hi y'all,
I've gotten pretty well hooked on bowyery (in theory, if not yet in practice) since seeing an issue of PA in the grocery store a couple of months ago. The Bowyer's Bible Vol 1 is now on the way, and I have picked up a few tools and plan to get busy on my first bow in the next few weeks. Making bows from hand-harvested wood combines several interests of mine (wood-working, hunting, sustainable forestry utilizing under-appreciated species) so well that it really surprises me I hadn't gotten into this hobby/obsession sooner. My family's land is forested with loads of great trees for bow-making: hickory, hophornbeam, dogwood, beech, pecan, water oak, red oak, white oak, etc. and I can't wait to try them all out (how's that for ambition)?
So while researching bows, I naturally got interested in Osage Orange, and apparently it's pretty easy to propagate from seed or cuttings. I'd really like to start growing this tree (yes, I know it will be a while before any bows will come of it), but I don't know of any plants nearby. If any of you happen to see fruits laying around the next time you go to harvest trees, if you'd be willing to send them to me I will pay the shipping costs. Same goes for chinkapins, though this is a bad time of the year for them, since they germinate quickly in the fall.