Got a stain on my bow - was real happy with it. Ok, still am.. kinda. Let it dry overnight - the put a light touch of tru-oil on it and let it sit a good 24 hours. All good. Was going to put another coat on it, and read on a wood working site that I should lightly sand between coats.......

The lumps in the wood, you know, those small character lumps in VM.... though I used 600g wet paper and barely touched it stroking 3 quick swipes.... you got it. I have new wood showing through. Still adds character and this is my learning bow... I'm not too detrimented...

So, the word on the site was that if you don't sand it, the finish may lift. I was thinking that since this isn't a table, but a bow, that bends and gets weather treatment - maybe I should heed the advice...
When you apply coat after coat of tru-oil, do you sand between? do you apply the next coat while its still a little tacky? in short, what do you do to ensure the coats adhere to its parent coating of oil?