Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

a poor attempt ( now with fd curve )

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I only put in two inches of reflex. It keeps one inch. I think I will try for 5 inches, half of yours, as I am half as wide and probably only half as good as you, and see if it holds together.

   Sleek, if you put two inches and it lost one I would not put anymore. You will just add hysterisis to the bow. If you want to build a bow with 5" reflex design it to take 5". Either more working limb or much wider working limbs.

What's the length of the bow?
I would give some more reflex in the outer limbs a try plus more working limb. I guess Badger is right about adding hysterisis.
What about sinew- backing?
In my experience osage is a bad candidate for heat-treating, cause it is so dense.
This design is delicious to tiller, very soon  you could end up with a low drawweight, cause the long reflexed outer limbs are working as a powerful leverage. It took me some trials and errors to get the desired drawweight.

But done right it is a killer.

I cheated. I tillered it out to brace before bending in all the curves. That way I know once the curves are in, exactly where I am at.

Im sorry, I forgot to say, its 62" ttt.


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