I don't think I have a picture of the card that was on the display, but I can do some digging on it. I know a lot of what was there was made of Bayport chert, which is a local stone. All else fails I can go back to the museum this weekend. I wanted to get the name of the guy who manufactured the weapon replicas (which i neglected to take a picture of, too excited that I saw banner stones). They had a celt, spear, atlatl(no weight at all) and a dart. I'll post the other pictures I took in another thread, as they don't have relevance here. I am also near the university that set up the displays, so I can inquire as to their provenance.
EDIT: FYI, I thought a lot of the points looked unfinished myself, but I thought at the time that it might be bias from all the magical stuff that gets posted to the primitive skills and cavemen only boards.