Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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Buckeye Guy:
Steve you are really getting my interest up now
one Question for now define break away rest , would a feather rest be considered breakaway? as it does move with the arrow

Del the cat:
Some good sound stuff there.
I'd like to query weather the tradition classes should also allow flight arrows?
There is a precedent. At ILAA roving marks shoots they have a flight shot at the end where any wooden arrow may be used.
It's where I got 302 yards with an Elm Warbow.
Don't s'pose it matters too much as I s'pose I could simply have shot the Elm warbow in the unlimited flight class rather than tradition?
But it presumably wouldn't have been very competitive. It would also have saved me the expense of getting/making a "standard" Warbow arrow.

I'm sure I can write a simple proposal for a ELB definition for discussion. I'll set to on it.
PS. There is some argument from some quarters about weather the "standard" warbow arrows are in fact realistic.

Del the cat:
Here's a first draft of an ELB spec'

Draft ELB Definition   iss1. DH 27/01/15
The bow shall:-
1.   be no less than 5” shorter than the archer (tip to tip).

2.   have a thickness/width  ratio not exceeding 5/8 at any point.

3.   be a single curve along the back (excepting any build up at the grip) at brace and full draw. E.G Reflex less than 2” beyond the back of the unbraced bow is acceptable.
A single curve means all curve must be in the same direction, it may get more or less but must not reverse direction. EG.  No flipped tips or reflex/recurve  visible at brace.
A straight line is not considered to be a curve.

4.   Not have the string contacting limb at any point further  than  2” from the end of the string.

5.   Nocks may be of any natural material and any style unless it is visibly acting as a Siyah, lever or flipped tip. (Note the 2” limit in clause 3)

Flight Class:- The bow may be of self, backed or laminate construction using any timber including bamboo.

Traditional class :- The bow may be of any single timber not including Bamboo (not laminated or backed).
Heat treating,  bending and splicing of billets is acceptable in both classes.

Buckeye, the feather rest is natural and was used in the past. It is very similar to a break away but I still am in favor of it. Not hard for anyone to make either.

Del, we presently have an english longbow class under the present regular flightbow rules. We could simply use that and review the definition of the english longbow. We have had some issues over rounded bellies and horn nocks on the bows that could be addressed by those of you who are more familiar with the bow and what makes it english.

  Del, I posted the same time as you. I really like the rules you laid out, very much so! The only thing I would take exception to would be basing the bow length on the height of the archer. I would consider setting minimum bow lengths in relation to arrow length.


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