Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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Del the cat:
Not sure why you need classes for gender or age?
Surely the draw weight will limit participation anyway.
Else you get the situation where a particularly strong youth or female can become the only competitor in their class.
Why should a youth or woman shooting a 35# bow get an special consideration over a balding old git like me shooting one?
And if they are strong enough to shoot a 75# bow, again do they need patronizing by giving them their own category?
Maybe a category for us baldies ::)

I actually think a selfbow should be allowed a glued on handle piece. It's not contributing to the power of the stave in a working sense.
 Still don't see the reason to have multiple bow type classes.

Del the cat:
On the subject of natural strings, although we have the internet and E-bay, it's possibly harder to source good quality long fibre natural materials as the producer is probably going for quantity rather than quality.
In days gone by there would have been specialists growing the good stuff I expect...
Anyone who has tried to find decent long fibre hemp cord will have noticed, it's pretty poor stuff >:(

From a true 'traditional flight shoot' point of view I'd say yes to natural strings only. From a 'do you want a low threshold for people to join these events' point of view I'd say this is wishful thinking. I would favour a more accessible event to a specialist one.

If you want to include a truly traditional class that's fine but don't force it on all classes.

   Good to see a conversation taking place. My first priority in promoting primitive flight archery is to keep it from going extinct. If we were an animal species we would have been captured and put into captive breeding programs decades ago. Thats how rare we have become, the purpose of flight archery is to simply see how far you can cast an arrow. Taken one step further flight archery is also a method of seeing how well a bow can perform as it was intended.

    The great majority of bow builders are building traditional varieties of bows, hunting and target shooting bows. These bows are not designed specificaly to shoot ultra light arrows abd should be tested as they are meant to be shot. For this reason I would like to see two distinct categories.
Regular flight categories with rules very similar to the current flight rules allready written, any bow could compete here or the archer could choose to compete in what we would call traditional classes where bows were tested using draw lengths and arrow weights more in line with how the bows were intended.

     There could be a lot of advantages to traditional classes and I suspect they would become the most popular. If they shot grains per pound it would level the playing field and allow archers to bring their favorite bow the the flight shoot without dropping the weight to meet a weight class.

     All trad classes could be set up with the same basic rules. no less than 8 grains per pound arow weight, no arrows shorter than 24". I can't see where we have all that many different types of trad bows.  American long bows, recurves, english long bows, war bows, yumi bows and asiatic. I would enjoy seeing a class for the short native style bows also, say under 56" long.

    The value of traditional classes is hard to overstate. Its a great way for a single bowyer to have something to compare his work to. It gives us a good honest look at how various styles actualy perform and gives an opportunity for good bowyers to get some validation for the good work they do.

     In conclusion, I will be pushing for regular flight classes as currently written and an entirely new category of tradtional flight which we will have to write from scratch.


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