Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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  Feathers that are glued side by side with the slant of the quills going in the direction of the arrow, makes for a nice release. Also easy to make and natural.

Do you just use short lengths of feather? Kind of like a fur arrow rest. Trimmed short?

     I cut them down to about 1/4" maybe a tad higher.

Hey there,

So far I'd think Avcase's (allen?) classes would be most the most basic, and therefore the most simple,  to get (new) people interested in flight shooting.

You'd might even consider putting 'Asian bows' under complex composite somehow by allowing certain models in 'complex composite' that aren't allowed in 'simple composite' or allowing the more uncommon materials as horn and sinew in complex only. This way you can expand the simple composite class by allowing multiple layers. Thus only leaving three classes.

These classes being:
- Self bow
- Simple composite - Bows with multiple layers of wood or bamboo (aka the more European models). No overdraw allowed.
- Complex composite - Bows with multiple layers of wood, bamboo, sinew or horn (aka the more Asian bows). Overdraw allowed.

  I think one of the reasons I tend to favor more classes is that 10 years from now I wouldn't want to look back and see the need for an additional class, changing it would then affect existing records and become kind of a mess potentialy. I would favor making the simple composite to include any amount of laminations as long as it is all wood and making the complex composite to include any natural materials other than wood.

    At present we also have broadhead classes which to me represents traditional classes. In other words bows shooting in a manner that they were intended to shoot. I would divide it up into regular flight classes and traditional classes. Traditional classes might include english longbows, yumi bows, american long bows, war bows etc. The traditional classes might become very popular as no special arrows, arrow rests or design features would be neccessary. I believe if we go too simple and crunch too much together it will suffer in the long run. I also believe that creating opportunities to showcase various styles will encourage the proper development of each style.



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