Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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    Michael, good to see you back in action! I am not very good on computers so may not be useful as an administrator. But I plan to help in every way I can. I would suggest the first step would be to recrcruit a small group that could put some rules together, maybe we can vote on the various issues or vote to accept sets of rules as written. If we can get 10 or 12 guys together we should able to hash something out in a couple of weeks and then maybe spend a month refining it.

  I am looking forward to getting this thing going, how good of a job we do in setting it up will have a large impact on how successful it is down the line. I plan to write a "pitch" promoting my own philosophy on where we should take this but will also look forward to hearing others opinions and recognizing that compromise and a lot of feed back will get us into the right place.

Just building the HISTORY-site.
Need to know when the first primitive flightbow competions in the US and the UK took place?

  Michael, do you mean when it was first recognised as primitive and specific rules were applied to primitive vs modern material bows. In the early days of flight I believe it was all primitive. Those were the glory days for the primitive bowyers in my eyes. They might not be a bad model to look at. As far as I know Ike our retired chairman and Allen Case might be the best sources on history. If Allen doesn't have the info I will call Ike.

Yes, I mean all aspects.

The first flight-championship of the NAA, the first championship with a declared Primitive- class.
Are there any recordings about those "glory days" for the primitive bowyers, about tournaments and records shot with primitive gear.
I personally would like to know much more about those times, I think we could learn a lot of these guys.


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