Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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  That was a great video, it really captured the spirit of flight shooting. I liked everything about it.

  Allen a format similar to the 1944 format has some appeal to me.  I am hoping we get more feedback on what potential flight archers might be looking for, I only know what i like but am happy to go with the majority. As expected it will take some hashing out.

  I like the idea of using a video along with written instructions to help standardize all the groups as they form.

I hope to have a time and place for a flight shoot in Oregon. It will be sometime prior to our US Nationals. If I can secure the venue, and enough people show interest, then it may even be possible to shoot for official record status under USA/World Archery.

California used to have a state championship that had more archers than the U.S. Nationals. It would be great to see local flight shoots make a come back.


  Allen, I would try and make that. California has a lot of people, it would be good to secure a sight withing 3 or 4 hours of Los Angeles. I would think the big cnetral valley here would have suitable spots if we could time it right with the farmers.

just chipping in my 2€ct:
I'm in favour of having multiple weight categories (<35, <50, etc and unlimited), including self bows (one piece of wood), composite bows, "broad head" (i.e., at 9-10 gpp), ...
I can't see a good reason for different categories for male and female participants, especially when you include also a variety of draw weights.

(from Belgium)

Sorry for being that late with the site, have had a hard time with the heaviest storms here in the heights of the Black Forest. The roofs of our shelters and barns are fixed.

The framework of the site is done.
I still need a header-image and pics for the history- site. I would also like some videos for the club' s youtube- channel and some posts on " Why do you like flight-archery.................." Any other ideas are very, very welcome! Be aware of the copy- right.

What about a membership fee?

Useful links?

Admins wanted! Everybody who wants to help to administrate the site will get the login details as soon as the site is published. Maybe at most 4 admins? Send me your email- adress,

The most urgent part is the rules site. Steve is aiming at the 1st of March!



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