Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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   Allen, how did they do it 50 or 60- years ago before computers when it was very popular. That might be a model we could look at.

Del the cat:

--- Quote from: avcase on January 08, 2015, 03:22:23 pm ---A Total Station measurement device is not required under the current flight rules. It just makes the measurement process much faster and accurate compared to using a certified steel tape and prism. I believe all the UK flight shoots use the certified steel tape method.

I see value in having a less rigorous tier of unofficial events.  If the measurement procedure or weigh-in requirements are a major impediment, then I feel it is better to compromise and have an event with unnoficial results rather than not have one at all.  If the event grows to the point that the archers want official record status, then I believe it is worth considering the existing set of rules and procedures rather than start from scratch.


--- End quote ---
Cheers :)
That's very encouraging. If there is enough interest created in the UK then maybe we can organise an official primitive flight shoot.

50-60 years ago, precise measurements were done with steel tapes and a prism. For large events, the officials would take a couple of days and lay out 1-2 flight lines beforehand using a transit.  For each flight line, pairs of stakes with lines stretched between them would be precisely positioned every 100 or 200 yards, establishing reference lines that were parallel to the flight line. A 100 yard steel tape was used to measure the position of the arrow relative to the nearest reference line.  If there was doubt that the tape wasn't being held square, then a prism would be used to ensure that the measurement was made perpendicular to the reference line.  It took more upfront work back then, but it seemed to have work pretty well.  The only downside is that once established, the flight lines are not easily moved.  I believe this is how the measurements are still done at the UK flight shoots.


At the 1944 US Flight Nationals, the equipment divisions were as follows:

Division 1 Flight Tackle: 50-lb, 65-lb, 80-lb, and Unlimited. There were no materials or bow design restrictions. The bows were a mix of self, sinew backed, and multi-lam composites.

Division 2 Hunting Tackle: No weight divisions.

Division 3 Roving Tackle: No draw weight divisions

Division 4 Target Tackle: No draw weight divisions


Lukasz Nawalny:
In our first competition we used steel tape and tablets with distance in every 25 meters, it work quite well


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