Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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For communication- reasons I would like to connect a twitter- account to the site.

Instead of embedding videos into the site I would prefer to set up a youtube- primitive flightbow- channel. I hope we'll end up with a lot of interesting videos.

Both, the twitter- account and the youtube- channel will help to spread the site heavily.

At the ABOUT- page I would like to post some personal statements why someone does flight- shooting or is  making flightbows.

Still looking for a header- image, any idea? Be aware of copyright- issues.


Del the cat:

--- Quote from: avcase on January 06, 2015, 07:48:47 pm ---
Besides tradition, a reason we measure distances perpendicular to a shooting line is that it allows more than one archer to shoot at a time, and helps limit the spread of arrows in the field. I kind of like this incentive for some level of accuracy. We use a Total Station theodolite for measuring the distances. It measures perpendicular distance from the shoot line without chance of error. The Total Station also reports how far off perpendicular the arrow landed (relative to the center of the shooting line).


--- End quote ---
Yeah, but that's sort of my point my point...
I was hoping this web based federation was a solution for those of us who don't have access to formal flight shoots or total station theodolites and are having to resort to shooting on our own or with a few mates in a field.
I feel maybe two grades of recording is appropriate.
1. The formal conventional record status shoot with the total station a measured out centreline etc.
2. The informal recording for those of us without access to wide open spaces and the full measuring equipment etc.
Of course with a bit of pacing out and geometry we can make a rough correction for off line shots if we have some sort of sight line marker.
The danger as I see it is that the federation becomes just another set organised fight shoots that I don't have access to :'(

  Del, I think we have a similar vision. By using a pre measured centerline we could simply sight off the centerline to the arrows and get the same reading as the total station with not quite the same level of accuracy. I think using a sight mounted at a right angle to the center line could get us to within one yard. We only measure the longest arrow shot by each archer in each round. If an archer was not at a respectable distance he would likely choose not to bother with a measure beyond just eyeballing it and not recording anything. This could save considerable time also.

   Allen, I think that small active flight clubs could play an important roll in helping to build the current world championship flight organization. Just like any sport. They need to be able to particapate frequently to maintain interest.

I agree. Flight shooting doesn't need a theodolite in order to be enjoyable or successful. If it is just a few people having fun, then a tape and open field is more than enough.

Some of the most fun I have had flight shooting was at a primitive gathering that had a large field within walking distance of our camp. The rules for bows were simple. There was a category for simple natural materials bows, and a category for everything else (including those shooting carbon bows and arrows). There were no divisions for draw weights, or men Vs. women. Kids were informally recognized as well as those who were shooting their first self made bow. It was pure fun without any of the hassle. Flags marked the farthest shots and these were roughly measured later with a tape. There were 50 or more participating. Funny thing is that the overall farthest arrow was not shot by the strongest man using a heavy draw weight modern synthetic bow.  The farthest distance was shot by a teen age girl with a 30-ish pound Ipe self bow, using linen string and primitive arrows.

On the other hand, if we want to record official distances for record status, then there is no way around having a uniform set of rules and adherence to consistent methods of measurement.


     Allen, thats how we did it when we were kids. We never measured anything, just who shot the furthest. I have had a resentment to glass bows ever since, all the rich kids showed up with the modern recurves and beat the pants off my little lemonwood bow.

   Redhawk, I think a basic flight station could be put together for about $200.00. We could do a video showing the procedure by actually filming a flight shoot. I would like to think of our organization as fertile ground for developing the sport and making it user friendy enough for anyone to jump right in. The more serious players may want to graduate up to the existing organizations. I am in favor of giving the organization enough credibiity and integrity that posted results were respected.



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