Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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Lukasz Nawalny:
I want make popular flight shooting in traditional form in Europe and in my opinion rules must be easy. I dont have enough knowledge about modern flight - modern fligtbows, recurve, compound etc. I make primitive bows many years and traditional form of archery is my
passion. In Poland most popular are bows in traditional ,historical form made of synthetic materials. I try to show people that primitive, natural bows can shoot so good like fieberglass or carbon bows. Therefore I dont make divide on synthetic and natural bows, only draw weight classes. Im still novice in flight shooting but Im sure that is true, when all use wooden arrows. Not all can make bow, but all can make some arrow. I saw in this year many intresting solutions and arrow making was realy fun for all this people.  Longbow funs have ofcourse small chances to win, but longbowman it is a state of mind, I know becouse im longbowman too :) And all have great fun.

      Lukasz, when first starting off in flight shooting I feel much different about it today. I see primitive flight shooting and what is known as conventional modern flight archery as very pure sports. The object being to cast an arrow as far as you can. Primitive being all natural materials and conventional being modern modern materials. beatiful sport where the equipment has one purpose in the design.

     After a few years of competing I began to realize that the traditional classes don't really make a lot of sense as they are shot. A traditioanl bow is designed with a purpose in mind that is not flight shooting. It is either hunting, target or warfare. Once the competition to break world records starts the motivation to alter the bows design favoring flight qualities starts comming into play. My belief is that these classes should be either eliminated all together or shot as they were intended with limits on arrow length and arrow weight in place to keep the designs honest.

    The only true flight shooting is conventional flight shooting as far as I am concerned but shooting traditional bows for best cast is a great sport initself if kept tradtional.

Lukasz Nawalny:
Im sure you have right. Traditional archery flight be never pure sport, to many differences in equipment.  English longbows, turkish. manchu, kyudo,recurve  selfbows and many others. Each have different flight potential. So for me great distance is only nice bonus not priority. Most important is that we can meet together, shoot and talk about our passion.

  I agree, the social aspect is what keeps me comming back. I actually prefer the traditional bows to the conventional flight but would like to see them shot closer to what they were designed for.

I really appreciate what you are trying to do for flight archery. I see you trying to keep it as relevant as possible for the average hunter or target shooter as possible. But it is kind of like riding lawnmower racing. It starts with a few old guys in the neighborhood racing their clunkers in a nearby vacant lot, and before long, they start tweaking the machines to the point that they are worthless for mowing a lawn, but can zip around a track at 100mph!

I keep trying to think of an easy way to set up a flight shoot with normal working-type bows and I really struggle with it. 40-50+ years ago, the flight round had to be shot with the same bows and arrows that were used for earlier target rounds. Even then, some folks, like Harry Drake or the Pierson's, may have been willing to lose at the target rounds but make up for it on the flight round.

The easiest flight format I've seen is to let people shoot what they want and lump the results all together.  What makes it interesting is the added info that describe the draw weight, bow type, arrow, string, and shooting style. I think this format can really shine a light on someone who may not come in first, but happened to shoot a primitive bow, natural string and primitive arrows nearly as far as the modern bows.  The Polish shoot results are really interesting to read because of the variety of bows that were shot together.  It didn't seem to hurt the competition given the large number of shooters who participate.



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