Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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Buckeye Guy:
Thanks again for all you are doing Steve !!!

  The conversations here have gone pretty well, thanks to all for the input. I think we have reached a point where Michael and I can open up the web sight with a complete breakdown of objectives, rules, procedures etc. This looks like it may end being 30 pages long or so and may take me about 2 weeks.

   Once the format has been published on our web sight it will be subject to changes and editing on a line per line basis. I would suggest we keep it open for at least 60 days before we finalize anything. My spelling and grammar is not that stong so help in rewriting segments would be much appreciated.

   I am feeling good about the process so far. Please keep the conversation going, I will be monitoring but responding a little less until I get the body published. I tend to get sidetracked and stall out when I get involved in too many topics at once.

Buckeye Guy:
Just let us know when you have it and the address to find it .

Sorry, for being such late, but have had a hard time with still to much snow and lambing mother- sheep.

The site is up so far, go here:

I would appreciate your comments, pics and videos for the Primitive Flightbow- Channel I want to add to the site on youtube.

Upcoming events?


Thanks. Regarding upcoming events, we have our US Flight Nationals that hosts Primitive and Modern bow flight Friday, September 4 through Sunday, September 6. The location is on the Bonneville Salt Flats near Wendover, NV.

A few of us may meet for some extreme distance shooting at Smith Creek dry lake bed in a very remote part of central Nevada on the Tuesday before the U.S. Nationals. It sits at 6100 feet elevation and was the site where many of the longest shots of all time were shot.

I also am working to finalize a flight shoot near Portland, Oregon. I don't have a date set yet, but it will be no later than the first week of August.  It will be open to primitive and modern materials bows. The types of bows shot will be limited to a 500 yard field size, so we won't be able to accommodate some of the more extreme categories.

Since these events include primitive and modern equipment, rules and event categories will follow USAA flight.



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